Donating to Cheetah House
Did you know?
In the past 3 years, Cheetah House has donated...$56,000 in free or discounted services directly to meditators-in-distress?
Or that younger meditators may be more likely to experience meditation-related adverse effects (Goldberg et al. 2022)?
We’re raising money to support meditators under the age of 30
Young meditators have less financial stability and report payment as their main barrier to support.
This Giving Season, give meditators under the age of 30 the gift of free one-on-one peer consultations, support groups, research-based information, and hope!!
$10/month opens the door for peer support and covers the cost of 1 intake session.
$25/month gives 1 meditator 6 support groups a year.
$50/month gives 1 meditator-in-distress 12 support groups in a year.
$100/month gives 1 meditator-in-distress 12 consultations in a year.
$710 covers the average total cost for 1 meditator-in-distress to reach stabilization
$200 gives a meditator a consultation with Dr. Britton
$100 gives a meditator a peers support session with one of our Care Team members
$50 gives a meditator access to support groups
For Cheetah House Champions
Rise to the level of “Cheetah House Champion” by pledging a matching gift. For more information or to discuss other in-kind contributions, please email us at All Cheetah House Champions will be invited to a special gathering with Dr. Britton and other experts in the field.
Other Ways to Give: Crypto, stocks, Venmo, Paypal
Cheetah House is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions.
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