

Omm, No. Professor Willoughby Britton on the perils of meditation.

by Eric Ness

January 16, 2025,

January-March 2025 Issue



A Duty to Warn About Meditation Sickness? Psychology Today. June 17

by Ira Helderman

Autumn/Winter 2022


by David Kortava April 2021

by David Kortava April 2021

Lost in thought: The psychological risks of meditation

David Kortava investigates the story of a young woman who became psychotic after a Vipassana retreat

February 4th 2021 by David Robson BBC News

February 4th 2021 by David Robson BBC News

How too much mindfulness can spike anxiety

Stress, anxiety, productivity: mindfulness is often touted as a solution to nearly everything. But research shows that you can actually take meditation too far.


Mindful Logo

10 Powerful Women of the Mindfulness Movement

Stephanie Domet
January 15, 2018

There's a balancing of gender power happening across the professional world—including the mindfulness world. Ten leaders in the field share how they claim their power and bring the diversity of their experiences in the mindfulness movement to bear in the work.

YES! Logo

If Meditation Is Not Your Thing, Try a Walk in the Woods

Karin Klein
July 12 2018

Hiking is a near-perfect combination of elements known to relax us, raise our alertness, elevate our self-esteem, and physically prepare us for true rest afterward.


Esquire Magazine Logo

The Other Side Of Paradise: How I Left A Buddhist Retreat In Handcuffs

Michael Holden
December 26, 2018

Michael Holden went to a Buddhist retreat to find himself. Now he's off his meditation

Daily Mail Logo

The Dark Side of Mindfulness

Eve Simmons
December 8, 2018

It's supposed to be calming. But there's growing evidence the fashionable therapy can be harmful

Vice Magazine Logo

Meditation Is a Powerful Mental Tool—and For Some People It Goes Terribly Wrong

Shayla Love
November 18, 2018

"I just felt shattered. I had a job, a wife, and two beautiful children, and yet I felt that I would never experience joy again.”

Tricycle Magazine Logo

Is Silent Retreat Good For Everyone?

Josh Korda
October 31, 2018

Extended contemplative practice can activate buried trauma.

Buddhist Door Logo

Overcoming Obstacles to Mindfulness Practice

October 31, 2018

Ratnadevi is a mindfulness teacher, trainer and retreat leader based in Scotland. She is a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and wrote an arts-based PhD thesis looking at the place of ritual for Buddhists practising in the modern world. 

Man sitting on overlook meditating above water

Lost in Oblivion – An Exploration of Adverse Meditation Experiences

Jonny Say, The Mindfulness Circle
September 23, 2018

A in-depth investigation and blog

Yoga Journal Logo

Yoga Journal: The Dark Side of Meditation

Jessica Downey
April 16, 2018

Tricycle Magazine Logo

The Trauma Dharma

The First Do No Harm training program by Drs. Britton and Lindahl aims to make meditation safer, in part by recognizing its pitfalls.

Bad Science?

Many of the studies touting meditation and mindfulness benefits are not methodologically sound.

By Matthew Abrahams
APR 10, 2018


Photo of woman behind truck preparing to white water raft

'She didn't know what was real'

Did a 10-day meditation retreat trigger woman's suicide?

head and skull diagram

New Data on the Adverse Effects of Meditation and Mindfulness

Study reports on the less-examined findings of difficult and painful meditation-related experiences


CBC Logo

Can mindfulness meditation have negative side effects?

CBC radio interview with Miguel Farias
June 12, 2015

A scientist claims the negative side effects of meditation are under reported.

The independent logo


Miguel Farias
May 21, 2015

If it's so powerful, might meditation also do harm to sensitive souls? Researching a mass murder, Dr Miguel Farias discovered that, far from bringing inner peace, it can leave devotees in pieces


Tricycle magazine logo

Meditation Nation

APR 25, 2014

How convincing is the science driving the popularity of mindfulness meditation? A Brown University researcher has some surprising answers.

mindful magazine logo

The Messy Truth About Mindfulness

JULY 15, 2014

"Confusion about mindfulness is warranted." Researcher and mindfulness practitioner Willoughby Britton discusses some of the excitement and pitfalls of mindfulness' rise to popularity. 

The Atlantic Magazine Logo

The Dark Knight of the Soul

JUN 25, 2014

For some, meditation has become more curse than cure. Willoughby Britton wants to know why.

The Guardian Logo

Mindfulness therapy comes at a high price for some, say experts

Robert Booth
August 2014

Much-hyped therapy can reduce relapses into depression – but it can have troubling side effects