Trauma Basics
Here we provide a curated list of books about trauma in general, including symptoms and treatment.
Later sections discuss different types of trauma (developmental trauma, systemic trauma, religious trauma), as well as mindfulness, meditation and trauma.
Trauma and Recovery
by Judith Herman, M.D. (1997)
This must-read classic explores the psychological consequences of domestic violence, rape, and terrorism, placing individual experience on a broader political frame and arguing that psychological trauma can only be understood in a social context. Herman advises that addressing trauma can’t happen without challenging the incumbent structures of power and authority, often requiring organizing and activism.
The Body Remembers
by Babette Rothschild (2000)
For both clinicians and their clients this book explains the psychophysiology of trauma, the manifestations of somatic memory— including nightmares, flashbacks, startle responses, and dissociation— and methods of management.
Trauma Essentials: The Go-To Guide
by Babette Rothschild (2011)
A leading trauma specialist presents the wide range of trauma treatments available and gives readers tools to choose a treatment plan or assess whether their treatment plan is working. Medications and associated conditions such as anxiety and panic disorders are also discussed. This book presents the most necessary and relevant information in a compact and accessible format, serving both as a review for therapists and a straightforward, easy-to-use guide for patients.
Principles of Trauma Therapy: A guide to symptoms, evaluation, and treatment (2nd ed., DSM-5 update).
Briere, J., & Scott, C. (2014).
Updated with DSM-5 content, this book reviews cognitive-behavioral, relational, affect regulation, mindfulness, and psychopharmacologic approaches to the "real world" treatment of acute and chronic posttraumatic states. Grounded in empirically-supported trauma treatment and adapted to the complexities of actual clinical practice.
The Body Keeps the Score
by Bessel Van der Kolk, M.D. (2015)
Renowned trauma expert combines clinical observation, neuroscience, historical analysis, the arts, and personal narrative, into an authoritative guide to the effects of trauma, and pathways to recovery.
The Body Remembers Volume 2: Revolutionizing Trauma Treatment
by Babette Rothschild (2017)
Through monitoring and modulating a dysregulated nervous system, preventing dissociation, decompensation and retraumatization, this book teaches how to promote a basic level of safety that is the foundation for any trauma therapy. Superb.