Involuntary Movements

Meditation practice can induce involuntary movements (IMs). IMs can range from minor muscle twitches, tics, facial contortions to multi-limb full body movements (twisting, flapping, writhing) that resemble seizures. Some IMs are accompanied by vocalizations and/or strong emotions. IMs can be occasional or frequent (many times/day), inconsequential or debilitating.

If you are experiencing IMs that interfere with your functioning, its important to get tested for epilepsy. A long-term video EEG (vEEG) will determine if the symptoms have an epileptic origin. If the results are negative, information about psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) may be helpful.

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Gates and Rowan's Nonepileptic Seizures, 4th Edition

Edited by Curt LaFrance and Steven Schacter, 2018

The academic textbook on psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) with contributions by the world’s experts on the topic. Thirty-five chapters review history, diagnosis, symptoms and co-morbidities, causes, triggers and inductions, neurobiology and treatments. Highly referenced with up-to-date research, this book is intended for the academically-inclined, but may also be useful to meditators with IMs, or providers who are treating meditators with IMs.


Taking Control of Your Seizures: Workbook 

by Joel Reiter, Donna Andrews, Charlotte Reiter, W. Curt LaFrance (2015)

This workbook was developed in the context of multi-site randomized controlled trials, and is one of the few evidence-based treatments for non-epileptic seizures. The workbook has 12 sessions and is intended for the person with IMs. Providers who are interested in treating meditators with IMs are recommended to get both the workbook, and the therapist guide (below).

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Treating Nonepileptic Seizures: Therapist Guide

by Curt LaFrance and Jeffrey Wincze (2015)

The therapist guide is meant to accompany the workbook (above), and provides tehrapists with information and tools to help guide a person with IMs through the workbook. Supervision with Dr. LaFrance is also available.


Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures: A Guide

by Lorna Myers, PhD 2014

This accessible guide was written by a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of IMs. Written for non-scientists, the book contains few references or research, but it’s strength is a wealth of practical information and sepcifc exercises for working with IMs. The chapter on assertiveness and anger is especially recommended.