

Quand la Meditation tourne mal (French)

Decouverte; Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC)

When meditation turns bad:

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Krank Durch Meditation?

German-language documentary on meditation-related adverse effects.

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The Other Effects of Meditation

An hour-long documentary by Norma Silva. Includes interviews with Dr. Nicholas Van Dam, Dr. Julieta Galante, Dr. Javier Garcia Campayo, Dr. Daniel Ingram, Dr. Willoughby Britton, Dr. Elizabeth English, Dr. Jasmine Childs-Fegredo, Dr. Erik Jonhagen and Jane Reed (Damcho Pamo).

When meditation causes harm with Willoughby Britton | Living Mirrors #126

James Cooke chats with Willoughby Britton about meditation-related adverse effects, institutional betrayal, scaffolding, and whether mindfulness meditation is a medical treatment or a religion.

Why do so many meditators want to silence this neuroscientist?

Scott Carney Investigates the pushback Dr. Britton receives about her research on meditation-related adverse effects, and how she has made the range of responses a new research question.


Tim Ferriss’s public service announcement about silent meditation Retreats

Willoughby Britton talks with Tim Ferriss about his harrowing meditation retreat experience.

How to choose your next meditation retreat

Willoughby Britton and Tim Ferriss different types of retreats and how to choose the one that best fits your needs

Nathan Fisher on the Dark Night of the Soul in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Meditative Paths

In episode 36 of M3CS’s Contemplative Science Podcast saw Nathan Fisher come on to the show to talk about his research into ‘dark night of the soul’ experiences in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic meditative paths - analysing how these traditions meet with modern day clinical practice.


How Dr. Britton started study the adverse effects of meditation

Dr. Britton talks to Rachel Bernstein on the Indoctrination podcast.

Dr. Britton's recounts how her dissertation study and discussions with meditation teachers revealed well-kept secrets about some of meditation's less desirable effects

Cultic dynamics within the meditation and mindfulness communities

Dr. Britton talks to Rachel Bernstein on the Indoctrination podcast.

Dr. Britton describes the myriad ways that meditation promoters attempt to deny meditation-related adverse effects


Did I break my brain?

Dr. Britton explains that you didn’t not break your brain, and that consistent with the principle of experience-dependent-neuroplasticity, all meditation-related changes are reversible.


Harm Reduction in the Context of Meditation-Related Difficulties

Dr. Lindahl describes research into the criteria used for determining when a meditation-related difficulty warrants intervention and/or additional support beyond continued meditation

Signs of Dissociation

Dr. Britton describes signs of meditation-induced dissociation and how to tell the difference between dissociation and meditative calm

Can Meditation be Harmful?

Dr. Britton talks with Liam McClintock about meditation-related challenges on the Fitmind Podcast.


Adverse Effects of Mindfulness Meditation: Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Britton addresses frequently asked questions, such as:

  • How often do meditation-related difficulties occur?

  • What types of difficulties are most likely?

  • How do you know meditation is the cause?

  • What factors increase risk?

  • What can we do to minimize risk?


Mechanisms of Meditation-Induced Hyper-arousal

Part 1 of the mechanisms module of the First Do No Harm meditation safety training. Dr. Britton explores what we know about the neurobiology of meditation to try to understand why and how meditation practice might result in symptoms of hyperarousal, such as anxiety, panic, insomnia, traumatic re-experiencing, pain syndromes, and other experiences that are reported by meditators.

Mechanisms of Meditation-induced Dissociation

Part 2 of the mechanisms module of the First Do No Harm meditation safety training. By reviewing the neurobiology of mindfulness meditation, Dr. Britton describes how meditation can lead to dissociation.


Meditation-Related Difficulties: Research Overview

Keynote by Dr. Britton at the Center for Mindfulness Research and Practice Conference, Chester England July 8th 2017. The keynote includes an overview of the Varieties of Contemplative Experience Study, Phenomenology, Influencing Factors, Frequently asked questions, relevance to Mindfulness-based interventions, resources and upcoming safety trainings.


Mind and Life Dialogues XXIV (2012)

Dr. Willoughy Britton presents here research on meditation-related difficulties to His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Mind and Life Dialogues XXIV " Latest Findings in Contemplative Neuroscience" Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN 2012


Willoughby Britton and Michael Stone (2011)

discuss the dark side of meditation at the Budhdist Geeks conference in Boulder Colorado, 2011.

Interview with Leigh Brasington

Willoughby Britton interviews meditation teacher Leigh Brasington about the common side effects of concentration-type meditation practices, “Cheetah House on the Road”, Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies

TEDx: Why a Neuroscientist Would Study Meditation (2011)

Dr. Willoughby Britton explores meditation practice as a form of applied experience dependent neuroplasticity. What are the qualities and habits of mind and behavior that you are intentionally or unintentionally practicing? Are these the qualities and behaviors you want to become automatic and effortless?

Meditation and Sleep

Dr. Britton describes her research on the effects of meditation and sleep. Contrary to popular assumptions that meditation practice promotes sleep, Dr. Britton’s research suggests that meditation’s effects on sleep is more complicated, and depends on the nature of the sample, type and amount of meditation practice, medications, and how sleep is measured. Meditaion is more likley to improve subjectively reported sleep quality, but show signs of cortical arousal when sleep is measured objectively, (EEG-based polysomnography).