
The love affair with the breath went on for about 5 years. Then one day it all changed. My breath betrayed me.

…it was a natural progression, that over time, and many many repetitions, undermined my ability to hear my own body’s messages for me.

I felt psychologically and existentially disorganized, unmoored.

I finally managed to get rid of the noise, but the silence is that of a tombstone.

It seemed that what had previously been unseen, unfelt, unmet, unloved, and unhealed surfaced so it could be seen, felt, met, loved, and healed.

Our primary identity may really be vast awareness, but we are also so unavoidably human…

“My whole being felt like it split apart”

Is the Truth really True?

Is bare attention more like a light that reveals things or a mold that shapes them?


Thank Goodness

“I would have never thought life could become so great again after suffering from Depersonalization. But it can.