Change & Transitions
— a special 8 month group led by Willoughby Britton and Mandy Johnson —
Course Description
This course is geared towards working with the internal consequences and processes of change – referred to as transitions. Transitions come in many forms. Everyone experiences aging, illness, death of loved ones, a new baby, a new pet, a new job. In addition, Cheetah House clients also report fallout from institutional betrayal, and the grief of loss of community, nourishing practice(s), beliefs, or a comprehensive worldview to make sense of life. Denial, anger, ambivalence, confusion, isolation and shame are common.
While change is difficult, it also presents us with an opportunity for growth and renewal. What kind of creative re-orientation might happen if we connected with others who are also in transition to share experiences and resources?
The course is a mix of about 25% didactic content and 75% sharing and discussion with optional readings, writing prompts and planned activities between sessions. Didactic content will draw from several well-known models of transition, including William Bridges’, book Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, the Hudson Cycle of Renewal, and others. Content will also be responsive to group needs and suggestions. See course content section below for more details.
Join us
in exploring ways to embrace change, value the transformation they offer, and maybe even enjoy the transition process as we adjust to the new reality we find ourselves in.
Willoughby Britton
While transitions in life are inevitable for everyone, my life decided to throw a bunch of them at me all at once: An illness that derailed my career; a move from the city of one state to the mountains of another, and my father’s sudden death that left me to care for my blind mother. In my bewilderment, I found that there is actually a good amount of research about how to navigate life’s transitions, some supportive, some downright life-changing. Amidst the confusion and rubble of my old life, I am sensing for the first time in decades a new aliveness that I am compelled to follow. I thought starting a Transitions course at Cheetah House would be a great way to connect fellow travelers who find ourselves in transition, to share what we’ve learned and support each other as we navigate this new landscape.
Mandy Johnson
I experienced my retreat crisis in 2018. It certainly was not my first ‘rock-bottom’. I thought I had integrated this old material, but here it was again; front and centre. Change was in the air and the transition that followed was nothing short of brutal. I denied, resisted and bargained with it. Change is not at all easy for me. Now it would mean tearing my house apart – room by room. It would mean discarding my “New Age” and “Buddhist -Modernisms”. How was I to navigate the world without my favourite spiritual bypasses? A purge was inevitable and I began sifting and throwing out. I stepped over the edge, again free-falling into a life that would forever be altered. Grief accompanied me; as did terror. Melody Beattie, in her book “The Grief Club” says: “we’re not who we were, and we’re not yet who we’re becoming". Sharing some of what I have learnt in my own life and as a peer supporter; is very meaningful. I hope you will join us on this adventure. In my experience of facilitating groups, those who need to be there, always seem to arrive.
Change & Transitions will meet virtually (via Zoom) on the first and third Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:30 pm Eastern Time.
The first Tuesdays of the month will include a lesson/presentation and the third Tuesdays are reserved for the group (including instructors) to connect and discuss.
Between session activities may include readings, writing prompts, journaling, and self-designed, person-specific goals and target activities.
October 1st
October 15th
November 5th
November 19th
December 3rd
December 17th
January 7th
January 21st
February 4th
February 18th
March 4th
March 18th
April 1st
April 15th
May 6th
May 20th
Transitions can be viewed as having three parts: An ending or change, a neutral zone, and a space for new beginnings. The themes covered in the Changes & Transitions course will loosely follow this pattern, but will also be responsive to group needs. We invite and welcome you wherever you are in your journey. The information covered will be relevant whether you just had a big change, are in the middle of a transition, expect future shifts, or simply want to learn more and be part of the group.
Learning objectives
Explore models that can provide a meta-framework for the transition process
Develop skillful ways to confront confusion and reclaim a cohesive self-identity.
Find ways to anchor back into your current reality and make sense of what is now needed.
Reclaim critical thinking and discernment and trusting your ‘own self’.
Explore ways to take action and be effective in the world and in your relationships.
Expand on your own resourcing and antidotes to distress.
Process and connect with a community with shared experience.
Pricing & Registration
Financial assistance is available. If you qualify, you will receive a discount code of up to 50% off at checkout. Those using a 50% discount to purchase a drop-in class will pay $25/class.
Questions? Email us at We hope to see you there!