

What is a Resourcing Retreat?

 As meditators, we got to go on retreats. We periodically got to set aside our work and social obligations for an extended period of time to go inward and be with ourselves in an uninterrupted way. For many of us, meditation is no longer an option, and then we lose access to retreats. But just because we can’t meditate the way we used to doesn’t mean that we can’t set aside time to reconnect with ourselves. We just have to do it a bit differently.

Introducing the Resourcing Retreat. Resourcing is a practice that comes from trauma-informed approaches, where participants discover or rediscover what is most nourishing to them, what the organism values, wants or needs. The Resourcing Retreat is an opportunity to reconnect with  new sources of comfort, direction and meaning that perhaps were once fulfilled by mindfulness, meditation or dharma.



  • The retreat officially starts on Thursday July 28th at 4 pm and ends on Sunday July 31st at 7:30 pm, but you can attend whatever days you are available, start earlier or end later. In any case, you may want to block it out in your calendar and let important people know that you will not be available. Setting aside time for yourself is the first step.

  • Think about your intentions, and what you might want to do during your retreat time, what types of qualities of habits of mind, body or behavior you would like to cultivate or explore. You don’t have to preplan anything, you can also let in unfold spontaneously. But some activities, like painting, cooking or doing an activity with another person may require a tiny bit of shopping or scheduling.

Getting Started: Thursday July 28th 2022 4 pm-5:30 pm ET

  • Thursday July 28th at 4 pm EST: A group of fellow retreatants will meet over zoom to set intentions and brainstorm their retreat plan

  • Your intentions decide what happens next: your schedule (if you even have one); whether you will be alone, and silent, whether you will include  journaling, talking, singing, dancing, hiking, gardening; friends, partners, dogs; whether you will read books, watch movies, fast, eat vegetarian or ice-cream Sundays. Nothing is required, and nothing is off limits. Importantly, meditation is not required, but it is also not forbidden. It’s up to you what feels like it needs exploring. You are also allowed to make a plan, and then change it half way through.

Need some ideas?

Check the Cheetah House Support group google sheet which contains a list of things that different people have found helpful including books and links.

Here are some questions that might be worth exploring:

1) What areas of my life or experience feel undernourished and want or need attention?

2) What (or where) is something I have always wanted to explore or try but never given myself permission or time?

3) What would I be doing with my time if no one would knew or was watching?

4) What do I really enjoy that I could do more of?

5) What kinds of things did I like as a child?

Friday and Saturday optional check-ins

  • These days are yours to explore and create in your own way.

  • If you need to check in with one of the facilitators, they will be available on zoom:

    Friday and Saturday from 4-5 pm (same zoom link)

Reflection and Closing, Sunday July 31st 2022 6:00 -7:30 pm ET

How much does it cost?

  • Thursday (start) and Sunday (end) are on a sliding scale so that people who pay more allow others to pay less. Each group session is $30, $45, or $60. You can attend one or both sessions but you will need to register for each of them separately.

  • There is no charge for Friday or Saturday check-ins, they are included if you sign up for at least one group session.

  • To receive a reduced fee ($30 or $45), complete the financial assistance form. You will receive an automated discount code to use during registration. Click the “redeem coupon” button, enter the code, then press “apply”.

  • No one will be turned away because of financial constraints. If you need additional financial assistance beyond the automated form above, email with “RESOURCE RETREAT DISCOUNT REQUEST” to receive a a scholarship. Please make this request ASAP, so we have time to reply.

How do I sign up?